Storing a local CSV file into table of ORC Format(hands on explanation)
--------------------------------------------------------Step 1:
Create a stage table of storage format textfile
hive>create table product_stage
(prod_name string, description varchar(20),category string,qty_onhand int, prod_num bigint, packaged_with Array<string> )
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by ':'
stored as textfile;
Step 2: load data into table stage
hive>Load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/Desktop/Product.csv'
overwrite into table product_stage ;
Step3 :
Write a CTAS command
hive>Create table product_orc
stored as orc as
select * from product_stage;
Hint:When loading data from a csv file into orc table format using Load statement it doesn't produce any error but while executing a separate statement select * from table table_name it will produce an error
" Failed with exception Malformed ORC file hdfs://localhost:8020/user/hive/warehouse/customersales.db/product_stage_orc/Product.csv. Invalid postscript".
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